Carole André-Dessornes


I’m Consultant & Researcher in Geopolitics since 2001. I work on the conflicts and violence on the Middle East. I give lectures also in Universities on “Genocides, War crimes, civil wars, rape as a weapon of War, terrorism…in the Middle East since 1914 until now”. I train also Medical Staff of psychiatric hospitals on the consequences (traumas) of Wars and mass crimes on Populations and armed forces.

I published a lot of articles, and I published also 3 books including 2 about the Middle East:

  • ″1915-2015 : Un siècle de tragédies et de traumatismes au Moyen-Orient″ Ed. L’Harmattan, Coll La Bibliothèque de l’iReMMO, Publication Sept-Oct 2015
  • ″Le Phénomène des femmes-martyres dans le Monde arabe : Liban, Palestine & Irak″, Ed, L’Harmattan – collection Comprendre le Moyen-Orient, Publication 15 Décembre 2013

I have also a website on the Middle East :

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